Meanings of the energies in the Family Lines of the Destiny Matrix (Karma)
Female = According to the Destiny Matrix, the mother and the women from the maternal line carry negative karmas inherited from their ancestors. These are unresolved lessons passed down from one generation to the next. By learning and healing these karmas, you can eliminate their impact on your life and also heal the ongoing generations.
Male = Similarly, according to the Destiny Matrix, the father and the men from the paternal line carry negative karmas inherited from their ancestors. These are unresolved lessons passed down from one generation to the next. By learning and healing these karmas, you can eliminate their impact on your life and also heal the ongoing generations.
In this context, calculate to see the karmas inherited from your ancestors.
First, create your Destiny Matrix chart. You can calculate it manually by clicking the link below.
If your Destiny Matrix table is ready, you can start examining the total of 6 numbers corresponding to the 3 female and 3 male numbers at the top of the table.
1. The Magician
The Magician symbolizes our creativity and potential. It may bring us face-to-face with unresolved talents or fears from our ancestors. For instance, if our ancestors suppressed their creative potential or felt powerless, this could hinder us from embracing our own power. This card reminds us to recognize our potential and use it freely. For karmic healing, it is essential to liberate ourselves from the burdens of the past and embrace our inner strength.
2. The High Priestess
The High Priestess symbolizes intuition and subconscious knowledge. Hidden emotional wounds or subconscious patterns inherited from our ancestors may surface with this card. Family secrets, suppressed emotions, or subconscious fears can come to light through its energy. For karmic healing, it is crucial to acknowledge these hidden emotional burdens and use intuition to heal the traumas of the past.
3. The Empress
The Empress symbolizes abundance, love, and compassion. Patterns related to how our ancestors expressed love and compassion may emerge with this card. Emotional deprivation or a lack of love in the family could reflect in our personal lives. Karmic healing involves adopting a loving approach and showing compassion to ourselves and others. Additionally, reshaping our ancestors’ understanding of love is essential for true healing.
4. The Emperor
The Emperor symbolizes power, authority, and structure. Ancestral issues related to authority, excessive control, or restrictive behaviors may surface through this card. Karmic healing is possible by breaking free from such controlling or oppressive patterns. It is essential to use your power in a healthy way and develop a balanced sense of leadership.
5. The Hierophant
The Hierophant symbolizes traditions, teachers, and spiritual knowledge. Ancestral belief systems, cultural norms, or religious patterns may surface with this card. It calls for liberation from past beliefs and societal pressures. Karmic healing is achieved by creating our own belief system and continuing our spiritual journey independently of ancestral influences.
6. The Lovers
The Lovers symbolize choices and union. Ancestral patterns in relationships, such as infidelity, codependent relationships, or love-based mistakes in decision-making, may surface with this number. Karmic healing is possible by building healthy relationships and creating bonds based on love and respect. It is important to learn from past relational mistakes and make the right choices.
7. The Chariot
The Chariot symbolizes victory, willpower, and determination. The struggles or indecisiveness faced by our ancestors may manifest through this number. Karmic healing is possible by developing strong willpower, moving forward with determination, and overcoming past losses. Additionally, achieving emotional balance is one of the key teachings of this card.
8. Justice
*In the destiny matrix, 8 Arcana is Justice, and 11 Arcana is Strength.
Justice represents balance, truth, and fair decisions. Our ancestors may have faced situations of injustice, inequality, or unfairness. This card signifies the need to balance karmic patterns. Karmic healing is possible by learning from past mistakes, forgiving, and acting with fairness.
9. The Hermit
The Hermit symbolizes inner exploration and solitude. The loneliness, inner emptiness, or lack of self-discovery experienced by our ancestors may surface with this number. Karmic healing is possible by making peace with solitude, embarking on an inner journey, and healing past traumas on your own. This card represents finding your inner light and achieving peace through solitude.
10. The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes luck, change, and cycles. The reactions of our ancestors to changes, misfortunes, or the repetitive negative cycles they experienced may manifest with this number. Karmic healing is possible by recognizing these cycles and breaking free from them. It is important to adapt to the ever-changing nature of life and use luck and opportunities wisely.
11. Strength
*In the destiny matrix, 8 Arcana is Justice, and 11 Arcana is Strength.
Strength symbolizes courage, patience, and inner power. The ways in which our ancestors dealt with challenges, patterns of using inner strength, or impatience may surface through this number. Karmic healing is possible by discovering our inner strength, being patient, and developing our ability to cope with difficulties.
12. The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man symbolizes sacrifice and new perspectives. The sacrifices made by our ancestors, such as suppressing their personal desires or making selfless choices for others, may emerge with this number. Karmic healing is possible by breaking free from these old patterns, developing new perspectives, and choosing our own path.
13. Death
Death symbolizes endings and transformation. The traumas, losses, or endings experienced by our ancestors may surface through this number. Karmic healing is possible by letting go of old patterns, traumas, and fears, and embracing a new beginning. The Death card represents leaving the past behind and creating a new life.
14. Temperance
Temperance symbolizes balance, harmony, patience, and moderation. The inability of our ancestors to find balance in their lives, tendencies to live at extremes, or imbalances may emerge with this card. Karmic healing is possible by finding balance and achieving emotional and spiritual equilibrium. This card encourages moving forward with patience and moderation.
15. The Devil
The Devil symbolizes addictions, limitations, and the darker aspects of ourselves. The addictions, fears, or dark patterns experienced by our ancestors may surface with this card. Karmic healing is possible by breaking free from these addictions, finding freedom, and confronting the darker aspects of our nature.
16. The Tower
The Tower symbolizes destruction and sudden change. The sudden upheavals, traumas, or radical changes experienced by our ancestors may emerge with this card. Karmic healing is possible by breaking down old patterns, building on a new foundation, and embracing the process of transformation.
17. The Star
The Star symbolizes hope and healing. The feelings of hopelessness or losses experienced by our ancestors may emerge through this card. Karmic healing is possible by finding hope, healing, and developing a positive outlook for the future.
18. The Moon
The Moon symbolizes mystery and illusions. The darkness or subconscious patterns experienced by our ancestors may surface through this card. Karmic healing is possible by addressing subconscious fears, recognizing illusions, and using intuition to heal the darker aspects of ourselves.
19. The Sun
The Sun symbolizes success and joy. The dark periods or joyless lives experienced by our ancestors may emerge through this card. Karmic healing is possible by creating a journey filled with joy, success, and enlightenment.
20. Judgement
Judgement symbolizes evaluation and forgiveness. The feelings of guilt or inability to forgive experienced by our ancestors may surface with this card. Karmic healing is possible by forgiving, evaluating the past, and embracing renewal.
21. The World
The World symbolizes completion and wholeness. The unfulfilled dreams or unfinished cycles experienced by our ancestors may emerge through this card. Karmic healing is possible by completing these cycles and achieving wholeness.
22. The Fool
The Fool symbolizes new beginnings and freedom. The fears, lack of courage, or avoidance of new starts experienced by our ancestors may surface through this card. Karmic healing is possible by bravely embarking on a new journey and embracing freedom.