Chakra - Destiny Matrix -
Chakra - Destiny Matrix -

Destiny Matrix Health Table (Chakra) Manual Calculation and Interpretation

Warning: Health information is a generalized interpretation derived from tarot, numerology, destiny matrix, and similar data and is intended for entertainment purposes only. It does not diagnose or replace professional advice. For physical, mental, or psychological issues, you may seek assistance from qualified professionals (doctors, psychologists, etc.).

When your destiny matrix is calculated, there will be a colored table under the graph. In this table, the names of the 7 chakras will be visible along with some numbers. Let’s manually examine where these numbers come from.

First, generate your destiny matrix graph.


or create a manual destiny matrix graph using the link below.


If your destiny matrix graph is ready, you can follow the information below to learn how to manually calculate the health table.

Destiny Matrix Health Table (Chakra) Manual Calculation

In your destiny matrix graph, there are colors both horizontally and vertically. These colors will catch your eye. There are 7 colors, and they represent the chakras in our body.

Destiny Matrix Health

The horizontal colors represent physical illnesses that can be experienced in the body.

Destiny Matrix physical

The vertical colors represent Energy illnesses that can be experienced.

Destiny Matrix Energy

When manually filling in the chakra table, we write the numbers according to the horizontal and vertical values.

For example, we place the colored numbers found horizontally (the earth line) in the destiny matrix graph into the Physics section of the table with the same colors.

Destiny matrix - earth line-

We place the colored numbers found vertically (the sky line) in the destiny matrix graph into the Energy section of the table with the same colors.

Destiny Matrix - sky

The numbers of the same colors found in the destiny matrix chakra table are summed and written in the corresponding ‘Emotions’ column. It is important that if the sum you calculate is greater than 22, you need to simplify it by adding the digits together. For example, if you have 22 + 4 = 26, since this number is greater than 22, it should be simplified to 2 + 6 = 8. The resulting number indicates what Emotions illnesses may be present.

Destiny Matrix - Emotions

Add the numbers in each column of the destiny matrix chakra table from top to bottom and write them in the result section. This will reveal the overall condition. It is important that if the sum you calculate is greater than 22, you need to simplify it by adding the digits together.

Destiny Matrix Result -

If you have filled in the information correctly, your table is ready. You can now continue by reading what the chakras mean.

Meanings of the Chakras

Chakras are considered energy centers located in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and energy health. In the destiny matrix, 7 main chakras are addressed, and each has a specific color and meaning.

7 Chakras

1.Muladhara – Root Chakra

Muladhara is the energy center located at the very bottom of the body. Its color is red. Muladhara is found at the base of the spine, in the coccyx area. This chakra represents our physical existence, security, survival, our connection to the world, our basic needs, and our roots.

A balanced Muladhara Chakra provides physical health, strength, and endurance. A balanced Muladhara Chakra helps a person feel safe, grounded, and energetic. The Muladhara Chakra is considered the most fundamental chakra, and it is important for it to be in balance for the other chakras to function healthily.

2. Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana is located in the lower part of the body, beneath the abdominal area and above the pelvis. The color of the Svadhisthana Chakra is orange. The Svadhisthana Chakra is found about two fingers below the navel in the lower abdominal region. This chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, emotional balance, pleasure in life, and enjoyment.

A balanced Svadhisthana Chakra provides a sense of creativity, sexual health, emotional balance, and enjoyment of life. A balanced Svadhisthana Chakra helps a person feel vibrant, creative, and emotionally fulfilled.

3. Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura is located in the upper abdominal area, just below the rib cage. The color of the Manipura Chakra is yellow. This chakra is associated with personal power, self-confidence, willpower, and the sense of self.

A balanced Manipura Chakra enables a person to feel confident, determined, and energetic. A balanced Manipura Chakra helps a person recognize their own strength and actively move forward in life.

4. Anahata – Heart Chakra

The color of the Anahata Chakra is green. It is located in the chest area, right at the center of the heart. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, attachment, empathy, and emotional balance. The Anahata Chakra is the center of the love and connections we feel for ourselves and others. This chakra has a profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

A balanced Anahata Chakra allows a person to feel loving, compassionate, connected, and emotionally stable. A balanced Anahata Chakra helps a person to love themselves and others unconditionally, to form deep connections, and to find inner peace.

5. Vishuddha – Throat Chakra

The color of the Vishuddha Chakra is shades of blue. It is located in the neck area, around the throat and thyroid gland. This chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, creativity, and honesty. The Vishuddha Chakra represents an individual’s ability to clearly express their thoughts and feelings. This chakra plays an important role as a center for both verbal and nonverbal communication.

A balanced Vishuddha Chakra allows a person to express themselves clearly and effectively, utilize their creativity, and enhance their communication skills. A balanced Vishuddha Chakra helps a person to express themselves freely, speak the truth, and find inner peace.

6. Ajna – Third Eye Chakra

The color of the Ajna Chakra is indigo (navy blue). It is located between the eyebrows, at the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with intuition, inner knowledge, spiritual awareness, and mental clarity. The Ajna Chakra helps an individual explore their inner world and spiritual development. It also supports creativity and imagination, making it connected to spiritual and intuitive knowledge.

A balanced Ajna Chakra allows a person to trust their intuition, gain mental clarity, and enhance their spiritual awareness. A balanced Ajna Chakra helps a person access inner wisdom and move through life with greater consciousness.

7. Sahasrara – Crown Chakra

The color of the Sahasrara Chakra is often described as purple. This chakra is associated with spiritual connection, universal consciousness, enlightenment, and inner peace. The Sahasrara Chakra helps an individual connect with higher levels of consciousness and promotes spiritual experiences, intuition, and spiritual awareness.

A balanced Sahasrara Chakra allows a person to establish spiritual connections, integrate with universal consciousness, and find inner peace. A balanced Sahasrara Chakra helps a person feel more conscious, peaceful, and whole in life.

Interpreting the Destiny Matrix Health (Chakra) Table

If you have filled in the destiny matrix health table by following the steps above, now examine the result values located at the bottom of the table. To read the interpretations of these values, find their corresponding meanings in the list below.

For example, let’s examine the total values of this table:

chakra result -

Physical illness number = 12, so the physical illness section should be examined for the number 12.

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Rest and recovery, coping with stress; Negative: Inactivity, weakness, cardiovascular health, alzheimer

Energy illness number = 10, so the energy illness section should be examined for the number 10.

  • Energy Illness: Positive: Adaptation to the flow of life; Negative: Fear of uncertainty.

Emotions illness number = 13, so the Emotions illness section should be examined for the number 13.

  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Change and transformation; Negative: Anxiety and fear.

Meanings of the Health Table Result Numbers

Number 1

  • Physical Illness: Positive: An energized and healthy body; Negative: Fatigue from excessive energy expenditure.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Self-confidence and personal power; Negative: Manipulative behaviors and loss of self.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Creativity and mental flexibility; Negative: Disorganized thoughts and inability to focus.

Number 2

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Hormonal balance; Negative: Hidden health issues, alzheimer
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Inner wisdom and peace; Negative: Inner conflicts and loss of intuition.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Mental clarity and intuitive thinking; Negative: Paranoia and fear of uncertainty.

Number 3

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Efficiency and fertility; Negative: Physical overload, stress, fertility-related issues, or difficult childbirth, dental cavities
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Love and compassion; Negative: Excessive dependency and loss of passion.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Creative thinking and productivity; Negative: Emotional turmoil and depression.

Number 4

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Strong body structure; Negative: Rigidity and muscle strains.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Leadership and discipline; Negative: Authoritarian attitudes and emotional unavailability.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Strategic thinking; Negative: Rigid mindset and lack of flexibility.

Number 5

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Maintaining bodily rhythm and order provides a healthy life; Negative: Neglecting oneself, unhealthy habits, tonsils
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Spirituality and faith; Negative: Excessive dogmatism and rigidity.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Desire for knowledge; Negative: Dogmatism and inability to be open-minded.

Number 6

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Sexual health and attraction; Negative: Sexual disorders, alzheimer
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Love and harmony; Negative: Fear of attachment and separation anxiety.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Emotional balance; Negative: Inner conflicts and difficulty in decision-making.

Number 7

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Physical endurance; Negative: Excessive effort and injuries.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Motivation and willpower; Negative: Ambitious behaviors and conflicts.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Goal-oriented focus; Negative: Excessive stress and feeling pressured.

Number 8

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Maintaining health balance; Negative: Heart conditions, obesity, and diabetes risk.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Inner peace; Negative: Feelings of guilt and regret.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Objective thinking; Negative: Indecisiveness and conflict.

Number 9

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Rest and inner balance; Negative: Inactivity, muscle and joint issues, alzheimer
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Self-discovery; Negative: Loneliness and lack of social connections.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Deep thinking; Negative: Obsessive thoughts, anxiety, depression, and panic.

Number 10

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Healing and luck; Negative: Cycles of illness, hormonal imbalances, appendicitis, dental cavities
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Adaptation to the flow of life; Negative: Fear of uncertainty.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Awareness; Negative: Feeling of losing control.

Number 11

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Physical strength and endurance; Negative: Excessive use of strength and injuries, sudden respiratory disorders, dental cavities
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Inner strength and courage; Negative: Feelings of weakness and addictions.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Mental resilience; Negative: Distress and anxiety disorders.

Number 12

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Rest and recovery, coping with stress; Negative: Inactivity, weakness, cardiovascular health, alzheimer
  • Energy Illness: Positive: A different perspective; Negative: Feelings of helplessness.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Deep thinking and intuition; Negative: Obsessive thoughts and uncertainty.

Number 13

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Renewal and healing; Negative: Sudden changes, acute health issues like heart attacks, digestive problems, appendicitis
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Breaking free from old patterns; Negative: Fear of loss.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Change and transformation; Negative: Anxiety and fear.

Number 14

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Healthy lifestyle; Negative: Imbalance and excessive habits.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Inner harmony; Negative: Emotional instability.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Calm mind; Negative: Overthinking and anxiety.

Number 15

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Sensory pleasure; Negative: Overconsumption and addictions.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Passion and desires; Negative: Feelings of loss and dependency.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Exploration of passions; Negative: Obsessive thoughts and bullying..

Number 16

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Sudden recoveries; Negative: Sudden and unexpected health issues, sudden traumas, heart problems, risk of injury, sudden respiratory disorders, dental cavities
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Breaking free from old patterns; Negative: Crisis and shock situations.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: New insights; Negative: Panic and anxiety.

Number 17

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Healing and hope; Negative: Temporary discomforts.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Renewal and inspiration; Negative: Hopelessness and apathy.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Positive thinking; Negative: Disappointments and letdowns.

Number 18

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Creativity and intuition; Negative: Hidden health issues.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Intuitive power; Negative: Fear and uncertainty.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Creative thinking; Negative: Confusion and anxiety.

Number 19

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Health and energetic living; Negative: Skin problems, diseases caused by poor nutrition.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Happiness and inner peace; Negative: Inflated expectations.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Positive thinking and joy; Negative: Unnecessary worries.

Number 20

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Rebirth and healing; Negative: Ignoring health issues, excessive fatigue, weakened immune system.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Self-discovery and forgiveness; Negative: Guilt and being stuck in the past.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: New awareness; Negative: Past traumas.

Number 21

  • Physical Illness: Positive: Completion and health; Negative: Chronic fatigue, weakened immune system.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Perfect harmony; Negative: Feelings of dissatisfaction.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Mental balance; Negative: Feelings of inadequacy.

Number 22

  • Physical Illnesses: Positive: Physical well-being, balance of the body; Negative: Overexertion, physical fatigue, and burnout.
  • Energy Illness: Positive: Sense of completion, inner peace; Negative: Emotional emptiness and dissatisfaction.
  • Emotions Illness: Positive: Sense of achievement and completion, self-confidence; Negative: Fear of not reaching goals, anxiety.