Celestial is a term generally associated with the sky or the universe. In spiritual and religious contexts, the celestial concept signifies divine or metaphysical realms. This term symbolizes universal energies, higher consciousness, or divine powers. Celestial is also used in …
Chakra is a concept rooted in Eastern teachings such as Hinduism and Buddhism. This term, meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘disk,’ refers to the energy centers within the body. There are a total of seven main chakras, each associated with a specific …
Clairvoyant can be defined as the ability of an individual to sense or see the future without using normal sensory perceptions. This mystical ability involves understanding and foreseeing future events through unconscious perception, dreams, or inner intuitions. Those who possess …
In a spiritual sense, ‘collective’ typically refers to the shared energy, consciousness, and experiences of a group or community. This term signifies the combined state of energy, thought, or consciousness perceived as a whole. Collective consciousness represents an energy field …
Cord Cutting
Cord cutting, as a mystical practice, is a ritual that symbolizes an individual’s liberation from energetic ties. This term signifies the effort of a person to achieve inner freedom and integrity by severing ties with others, the past, or events …
Crystal / Natural Stone
In a spiritual context, a crystal/natural stone is typically a mineral or stone believed to carry energy and used in spiritual practices. It is believed that crystals have unique energy vibrations and are therefore used in practices such as meditation, …
The Tarot deck typically consists of 78 cards, which are generally divided into four main categories. Cups is one of these categories. Cups often represent emotional states, relationships, inner discovery, and emotional richness. Cup cards are associated with the element …